Mother’s day

Mothers Day Pic 1

INTRODUCTION Mother’s Day has diverse origins. In ancient times, there were ceremonial rites and traditional celebrations among polytheistic peoples, who drew on the cult of Mother Earth and celebrated the female deities associated with the rebirth of Nature in spring, the female parents, and those who represented fertility and life. For the Greeks, it was […]



PERSEVERANCE Training perseverance is the art that enables us to face any challenge. Thanks to this psychological strength, we achieve our goals, face adversity and make resilience our hallmark so that we never give up. Perhaps training perseverance will not allow us to achieve the desired happiness, but it will certainly help us achieve something […]

Earth Day

Earth day

INTRODUCTION Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970 (so this year is the 52nd edition). The chosen day is April 22, one month and two days after the spring equinox. This day, celebrated annually by the United Nations, emphasizes the growing need to conserve the Earth’s natural resources. Only over time did this also become […]



EDUCATION Illiteracy in Africa remains one of the continent’s most significant and widespread problems. Millions of people have no education, reading, or writing skills. IMPORTANCE Being illiterate means not being part of the community and not being able to know and defend one’s rights. Not being able to participate in any democratic process correctly means […]

FAQs: Do I need visa to travel to Ghana?

Ghana flag

FAQs: Do I need a visa to travel to Ghana? Yes, You must have a travel Visa before entering Ghana on our programs, and it is valid for only 30 days, three months, six months, and even One year. You can get more details about this by visiting the Ghana website at  We strongly […]

Mental health

Mental Health Over the past 10 years, awareness of the importance of promoting mental well-being has progressively increased in South Africa. Most of the awareness campaigns focused on depression, suicidal thoughts and suicide, and alcohol abuse. Among the most important, but often underestimated disorders, there are those concerning the sphere of anxiety. The most recent […]


WATER We are used to thinking of Africa as a largely arid continent, or in general with very few safe sources  where we can drink. And seeing the images and news that reach us, one wonders: why is there no water in Africa? In reality, things are very different from what is believed. PROBLEM Guaranteeing […]

Foster care ministry hope

Foster care ministry hope. Foster Care Ministry is a non-government founded in 2017 to fight illiteracy and improve the well-being of children in Uganda. Several charitable volunteers ardently created Foster Care Ministry as a community-based organization to help and support critically ill children, the elderly, single mothers, illiterate, widowed, and unemployed youth with comprehensive, effective, and […]