Meet Matter Bless, a remarkable 15-year-old orphan from Anfoeta Tebi who dreams of becoming a medical doctor. Despite losing his mother shortly after birth and his caretaker last November, Matter Bless has shown incredible resilience and determination. As the assistant school prefect at Anfoeta Tebi D/A J.H.S., he excels academically and remains steadfast in his ambition to make a difference in the world.
Recognising Matter Bless’s potential, Ryvanz-Mia Charity has stepped in to support him on his journey. Through financial assistance, Matter Bless can now focus on his studies without worrying about his basic needs. But our support goes beyond just monetary aid. We believe in providing holistic support to help Matter Bless achieve his dreams.
You can be a part of Matter Bless’s success story by contributing in various ways:
– Scholarships: Help us secure scholarships specifically designed for orphaned or financially disadvantaged students like Matter Bless.
– Financial Support: Provide financial assistance to cover school fees, books, uniforms, and other educational expenses.
– Mentorship: Become a mentor and provide guidance and support as Matter Bless navigates his academic and career path.
– Psychosocial Support: Offer psychosocial support to help Matter Bless cope with the emotional challenges he may face due to his circumstances.
– Education Funds: Contribute to an education fund specifically for Matter Bless to ensure he has the financial resources needed to continue his education.
– Community Support: Rally your community to provide support through volunteering time, offering tutoring services, or donating educational materials.
– Advocacy: Advocate for policies and initiatives that support orphaned and vulnerable children like Matter Bless to ensure they have access to quality education.
Together, we can help Matter Bless continue his education and achieve his dream of becoming a medical doctor.
At 18, Agboyi Gloria is a beacon of hope and determination at Junior High School (JHS). As the third child in a family of six, Gloria faced numerous challenges, including her mother’s absence and the passing of her caring auntie during her JHS 2 year. Despite these hardships, Gloria’s passion for learning never wavered. She excels not only in academics but also in sports, showing a talent for football and volleyball.
Gloria’s journey to education began at the tender age of 3. However, financial constraints threaten to derail her aspirations of becoming an accountant. Recognising her potential, Ryvanz-Mia Charity has stepped in to support Gloria’s dream. Through financial assistance, Gloria can now focus on her studies without worrying about her next meal. Our support has not only alleviated Gloria’s financial burden but has also given her hope for a brighter future.
You can help Gloria continue her education by:
– Providing scholarships tailored for financially disadvantaged students.
– Offering financial support to cover school fees, books, uniforms, and other educational expenses.
– Becoming a mentor and offering guidance as Gloria navigates her academic and career path.
– Providing psychosocial support to help Gloria cope with emotional challenges.
– Contributing to an education fund specifically for Gloria to ensure she has the necessary financial resources.
– Rallying your community to provide support through volunteering, tutoring, or donating educational materials.
– Advocating for policies and initiatives that support underprivileged children like Gloria to ensure they have access to quality education.
Together, we can help Gloria achieve her dream of becoming an accountant and break the cycle of poverty.
– Foodshare initiative: Providing regular, nutritious meals to needy children in collaboration with local organisations.
– Educational sponsorships: Offering scholarships, school supplies, and tuition support to ensure access to quality education.
– Youth empowerment programs: Equipping young adults with vocational training and life skills for meaningful employment and self-sufficiency.
– Local schools and community centres: Collaborating to identify and support vulnerable children.
– NGOs and charitable organisations: Partnering to maximise impact and reach more beneficiaries.
– Corporate sponsors: Engaging businesses to support our initiatives through funding and resources.
– Regular assessments of beneficiaries’ progress in education and overall well-being.
– Tracking key metrics such as school attendance, academic performance, and health indicators.
– Conducting surveys and interviews to gather qualitative feedback and stories of change.
– Efficient allocation of funds: 80% towards program delivery, 15% for administration, 5% for fundraising.
– Annual financial reports and audits are available on our website.
– Commitment to accountability and responsible stewardship of resources.
Ryvanz-Mia Charity is on a mission to transform the learning environment at Hope Memorial School affiliate preschool through a vibrant painting project. Thanks to a generous donation of paint, brushes, and accessories, we can create a welcoming space that inspires young minds to learn and grow.
The significance of this project cannot be overstated. A bright and colourful environment fosters creativity, joy, and a love for learning. By refreshing the school’s appearance, we symbolise hope and renewal for the students, teachers, and community members.
This painting project is part of our ongoing commitment to improving educational opportunities for children in Ghana. We believe every child deserves a chance to thrive in a conducive learning environment. The expected impact of this project is far-reaching, as it will uplift the spirits of the children and motivate them to pursue their dreams.
We invite you to support Ryvanz-Mia Charity’s mission and learn more about our work. Together, we can create a brighter future for the children of Ghana.
At Ryvanz-Mia Childcare Foundation, we believe that access to adequate nutrition is a fundamental right for every child. Our yearly farm project plays a crucial role in achieving this goal by providing a sustainable source of nutritious food for the children under our care.
By supporting our farm project, you not only ensure that these children have enough to eat but also empower them with valuable agricultural skills. Through hands-on experience, they learn the importance of hard work, patience, and environmental stewardship. These skills benefit them now and prepare them for a better future.
One exciting aspect of our farm project is our new snail farming program. Snail farming provides a sustainable source of protein-rich food, enhancing the nutritional value of the children’s meals. It also serves as a potential income source for the foundation, furthering our mission to support less privileged children.
We invite you to join us in cultivating hope and transforming lives through our yearly farm project. Your support empowers less privileged children with access to nutritious meals and valuable skills. Together, we can make a lasting impact on their lives and their communities.
Your support has the power to transform lives. Whether you choose to donate, volunteer, or spread the word, your contribution is invaluable in our mission to empower vulnerable children.
Here’s how you can make a difference.