Tips for volunteering in Ghana

Tips for volunteering in Ghana

Tips for volunteering in Ghana.  Volunteering in Ghana can be a rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you prepare for your volunteer work: 1. Research organizations: Look for a reputable volunteer organization Ryvanz-Mia Childcare that operates in Ghana. Read reviews, check their credentials, and ensure they align with your interests and values. 2. […]

Eight Amazing Volunteering Tips That You Must Follow

Congratulations! You have decided to embark on your volunteering projects in Ghana and Uganda. However, before you go on board for this life-changing experience, you should know some valuable tips to help you. Eight Amazing Volunteering Tips That You Must Follow. 1. You Must Take Pictures: Firstly, you cannot but capture beautiful sceneries, moments with […]

FAQs: Do I need visa to travel to Ghana?

Ghana flag

FAQs: Do I need a visa to travel to Ghana? Yes, You must have a travel Visa before entering Ghana on our programs, and it is valid for only 30 days, three months, six months, and even One year. You can get more details about this by visiting the Ghana website at  We strongly […]

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