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FAQs: Do I need visa to travel to Ghana?

FAQs: Do I need a visa to travel to Ghana?

Yes, You must have a travel Visa before entering Ghana on our programs, and it is valid for only 30 days, three months, six months, and even One year. You can get more details about this by visiting the Ghana website at 

We strongly advise that applications and passports for processing at least two weeks to one month before departure.


It would be best if you had updated immunizations before traveling to Ghana. You can get more information about this at


It is essential to have a valid passport to serve Ryvanz-Mia Charity abroad before coming to Ghana. For those who have access, you need to confirm its expiry date. Also, you must note that processing a new one takes several weeks.

For more information, visit 


If you’re ready to serve Ryvanz-Mia Childcare and any of our programs, research air travel to Ghana. We advise you to use only reputable travel agents. Also, remember to check layover times and seat assignments.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Ghana is a choice field for many gap year travelers and students. Project opportunities to indulge in include:

  • The 3/4 week Ghana experience program.
  • Week special program.
  • Orphanage, Teaching, and Football coaching programs.
  • Medical and healthcare volunteering projects.
  • Girl’s education program.
  • Community development project
Basic requirements of a volunteer in Ghana
Age and Attitude:

Flexible and patient. Applicants must be at least 17 years or older. Eighteen years and above for medical programs.

Apart from these, every other positive trait is required for you to volunteer. As such, there is no hard and fast rule to the volunteer requirement. Read on for more tips.

Program Costs, Accommodation, and meals to expect

Specific to your project and the weeks spent in Ghana, costs may be as low as 500$ and as high as 1500$. Basic household amenities and two square meals a day. You can explore more meals.

Vaccinations, Visa requirements, and flights

Contact the visa office in your country of residence. Volunteering projects are in Kpando, Volta Region, Ghana, and there is no domestic communication with Accra, only Buses and Local Trotro. Suggested vaccines include yellow fever, Hepatitis A and B, and Typhoid. However, you should contact your doctor.

Don’t Hesitate to Start Planning to Volunteer

At Ryvanz-Mia Charity, we believe there are many great reasons why you should volunteer. Some reasons benefit your life, such as shyness, building up new work and personal relationships, improvements in health and wellness, and career opportunities. Others relate to your passion for helping vulnerable children in the communities we serve by demonstrating your words and beliefs into action. If you’ve been thinking about volunteering, the time is now with all boldness without procrastination, hesitation, or nervousness; it’s time to find a place to show your passion and give back to others! Apply Now

Read More: Choose Summer volunteer abroad projects in 2022/2023



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