We are used to thinking of Africa as a largely arid continent, or in general with very few safe sources  where we can drink. And seeing the images and news that reach us, one wonders: why is there no water in Africa? In reality, things are very different from what is believed.


Guaranteeing access to drinking water for half of the world’s population is one of the Millennium Goals achieved. But that doesn’t mean the problem is solved. Especially in Africa. 36% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, thus about a third of all people, still does not have access to a source of drinking water.

Not having access to a source of drinking water means increasing, and considerably, the risk of contracting often fatal diseases such as malaria and Ebola. To get drinking , you often have to walk 4-5 hours a day. In most cases, this task falls on women and girls.


Is Africa such an arid continent? In fact, over the years there have been several studies, signed by very authoritative international institutes and bodies, which have come to the same conclusion: in Africa, there is really a lot of  but it is found in the subsoil of the continent. According to various studies, there would be enough to solve the water problem for all the populations of Africa. The real problem is getting there, to that water. Because individual states do not always have the resources and skills necessary to build wells at their disposal.

And above all, this liquid treasure must be managed wisely, to avoid depleting a precious and inestimable resource. In fact, African underground basins are not recharged daily through the rains.

Read More: Water, Sanitation, And Hygiene For Families In Ghana.



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