Water access

Water Access

WATER “Africa is facing a water catastrophe. While climate- and water-related shocks are intensifying globally, nowhere else in the world are the risks escalating as seriously as on the African continent. According to WHO estimates (2022), in sub-Saharan Africa, it takes citizens an average of 30 minutes daily to access water; some 400 million people […]

Water access

Seventy percent of the earth’s surface is covered in water, but freshwater that can be used by living terrestrial species constitutes only 2.8 percent. Their availability has been decreasing in recent decades. We are talking about water access. CAUSES The water shortage is due to increased world population, climate change, pollution, and domestic, industrial, and […]


WATER We are used to thinking of Africa as a largely arid continent, or in general with very few safe sources  where we can drink. And seeing the images and news that reach us, one wonders: why is there no water in Africa? In reality, things are very different from what is believed. PROBLEM Guaranteeing […]

Water, Sanitation, And Hygiene For Families In Ghana.

Water, Sanitation, And Hygiene For Families In Ghana.   Why Do The Families Of Ghana Need Your Help? Water, Sanitation, And Hygiene For Families In Ghana have made remarkable progress in improving the water supply; however, they are still far away from good sanitation and hygiene. As per the survey data of UNICEF, even after […]

Water is life:Donate to stop poor children from drinking contaminated water

Water access

More than 220 million children and their families in Africa are in conditions of water insecurity. The impact is increasing: 58% of children in East and Southern Africa and 31% of children in West and Central Africa live in areas with high, or extremely high, water vulnerability. These children are more likely not to go […]