My Experiences at Ryvanz-Mia

The time spent in the Ryvanz-Mia Childcare (now a foster home in Ghana) was memorable. I’ve probably experienced, in just twelve days, a couple of those experiences I’ll remember forever, and I’d explain if I had children someday:

Long mornings are walking around the market, the opportunity of teaching in the local school, moments spent at the particular school, the afternoon playing with the kids: football matches, balloons, painting in the shade with our hands and fingers, the trip to the Wli Waterfalls.

When I look back on all that, it’s difficult to explain how completely and completely happy I felt. Everyone was so welcoming, caring, and friendly; it’s hard to explain.

Now, I’d like to help them with as many things as possible. They do deserve it.

PD: if you think you’re going to do something or help with anything, let me tell you, I suppose you might be wrong. They’ll do much more for you than you’ll do for them. I will never be the same I was before visiting the orphanage ( now a foster home in Ghana), and I would like to think I am now more conscious of who I am and what I’ve got. Thank you.

Laia Maldonado Llobera- Volunteer 2017


