Education Alarm: We Need Your Help

Education Alarm: We Need Your Help

Education alarm in Ghana: Over 400,000 children are still out of school despite the West African country’s efforts to provide education for all. According to a report by the Ghana Education Service (GES) presented to Tamale, mainly children between 16 and 11 stay home. At the same time, those between 8 and 11 have poor education, and many have lost interest in attending classes. Associations like ours are committed to solving this problem, but WE NEED YOU and YOUR HELP.

Helping primary education is accessible to all vulnerable children in Ghana.

Even though primary education is accessible to all children in Ghana, there are over 400,000 children out of school. Many of them have access problems because they live in remote communities. There is also a cultural and social problem; in these villages, the interest in raising children is not very developed, and many children work in bar shops or are street vendors.

However, it is prevalent across Africa; although other sister organizations have made progress in recent decades toward ratifying and implementing the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, many children still deny their fundamental right to education. Thousands of girls suffer descriptions and cannot access them due to early pregnancy, forced marriage, or their family’s will, contrary to school attendance.


Poverty has had a devastating impact on the teaching and education of students around the world. A country lags in securing the right to education hinders the global process of respecting human rights.

Read More: Educate children; education is one of the best solutions to poverty.

The Ryvanz-Mia Childcare has established a Hope Memorial School preschool in Kpando to give children academic excellence. Ryvanz-Mia Childcare subscribes to the assertion that increased access to education can reduce poverty. However, we cannot do everything by ourselves. You can help us DONATING, BE A VOLUNTEER AND PARTNER. HELP US TO GROW THE WOMEN AND MEN OF THE FUTURE



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